© Copyright by Susan Leigh 2008
Web design by Ilze Linssen
Shipping & Insurance Costs
Shipping Cost:
Shipping costs have not been included in any of the prices found on this website and is payable in addition to the total cost of your order. Shipping cost (which include both postage and packaging costs) will depend on the weight and end destination of the parcel. 

Insurance/Registered Mail:
Parcel insurance or Registration of parcels (for local and international parcels) is entirely optional, however, it is recommended especially for all overseas orders. Please note that Bearleigh Bears does not assume responsibility for any uninsured/unregistered parcels lost in transit.

There are 5 shipping zones: Australia, New Zealand, Asia/Pacific, USA/Canada and 'Rest of the World'.  Please feel free to contact us for a quote prior to ordering.
- Parcel Insurance for local parcels (within Australia):
Local insurance cost is $2.70
AUD for the first $100.00 AUD, plus an addition $1.25 AUD is payable for each additional $100.00 AUD or part their of. (e.g. if the parcel is to be insured for $250.00 AUD the total amount for insurance cost would be $2.70 AUD + $1.25 AUD  + $1.25 AUD = $5.20 AUD)

- Parcel Insurance for International parcels:
International insurance cost is $8.10
AUD for the first $100.00 AUD, plus an addition $2.15 AUD is payable for each additional $100.00 AUD or part their of. (e.g. if the parcel is to be insured for $250.00 AUD the total amount for insurance cost would be $8.10 AUD + $2.15 AUD  + $2.15 AUD = $12.40 AUD)
Delivery Times:
The delivery time of your parcel will depend on the end destination of the parcel. 
- Local parcels take on average 2 to 3 business days to arrive when shipped to major centres.  Parcels shipped to Tasmania,
  Perth, Darwin, Cairns and Rural Areas may take up to 7 days for delivery.
- International parcels on average take approx. 10 business days for delivere, however, this may vary depending on customs etc.

Note: All parcels are shipped within 2 to 3 business days after receipt of full and final payment, taking into consideration time taken for cheques to clear.